Power Cards
Learn more about in-game boosters!
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Learn more about in-game boosters!
Last updated
Power Cards are usersΒ΄ gateway to supercharging ArenaΒ΄s results within the game. These unique NFTs offer the ability to enhance usersΒ΄ gameplay significantly.
Some Power Cards are permanent, meaning they can be used repeatedly in several Arenas, ensuring a consistent performance boost. Others are single-use, providing a one-time enhancement for a specific Arena.
Fantasy Power Card: When activated, this card provides a 10% boost to the points a user have earned in the Fantasy section of an Arena.
Prediction Power Card: Activating this card, a user will enjoy a 10% increase in the points accumulated in the Predictions section of an Arena. Perfect for those who love to test their predictive skills!
Power Cards can only be used using Albums that have space for special cards.